Sit back, because we’re about to blow your mind: Yes, our dehumidifier experts are going to help you improve your humidity problem WITHOUT buying equipment. No way, you say? Yes way.
Dan Dettmers, an applications engineer at Quest, has spent decades helping organizations get control of their humidity issues. And rarely does he start with telling them to go buy commercial dehumidifiers. Instead, he helps them identify sources of moisture and how to address them – the best they can – without dehumidification.
In the latest Dansplainin’ video (see below), he breaks down the five primary sources of moisture, and why they’re an issue. Once these are addressed it’s likely you’ll need less equipment to control your humidity problem than you previously thought.
“We’re focused on all these things because we want to minimize the dehumidification capacity you put into your building,” Dettmers said. “This will save you time, money and resources.”
Check out the video for more detail (and more fun), but if just need the essentials, here you go:
People are a large source of moisture that we can’t get rid of, right? But, the amount of moisture they put off is dependent on their activity level. A spectator at a sporting event may put off 1/10th of a pound of water, while someone sitting at a desk will shed about a quarter pound of moisture per hour. When you’re determining how much moisture you need to manage, consider this variable since it’s generally one you can’t control.
This is the movement of moisture in and out of building materials such as carpet, studs and the walls. Each holds varying levels of moisture, depending on what they’re made of and the relative humidity level inside your facility. While you can’t change the materials used, you can better understand how they absorb and release moisture, which will give you a better sense of how much water you need to remove from the air.
Process – For some manufacturers, this is a major source of moisture. If you’re in the food industry you may be boiling water. Or, you may use water to cool metals in a foundry. Other times, you need a lot of water for sanitation cycles. How you manage these processes and cycles can dictate how much extra humidity control you’ll need.
These arguably are two of the most significant sources of moisture in most facilities.
When it comes to infiltration, humidity can find its way in by almost any means. Check your facility for cracks, leaky windows, poorly sealed doors and walls that aren’t sufficiently insulated. Anywhere you find a gap, you’re finding a spot where moisture is making its way in. Seal these and you’ll likely see a noticeable drop in relatively humidity.
On the flip side, ventilation also can cause a humidity issue. That’s because most outside air coming in isn’t treated, meaning your bringing in not just fresh air, but fresh moisture that will hang out in your facility. Do you have exhaust fans, furnaces or other equipment that draws air in? Each contributes to how much moisture you’re pulling into your building.
Each of these “issues” is an opportunity to reduce your humidity problem, if you take the time to address them. Also, once they’re identified, you’ll have a clearer understanding of just how much moisture is being pumped into your facility each day. Armed with that information, we can work with you to better determine how much dehumidification you need – and likely it will be less than originally you predicted.
Have questions? Need help determining the specifics? Give us a call or send us an email.
Categories: Humidity, News, Press Releases