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The Importance of Controlling Humidity in Your Basement

IN YOUR BASEMENT No matter if your basement is finished or unfinished, those humid conditions can encourage the growth of mold, mildew, and other bacteria. According to experts, controlling humidity inside…

reasons-to-get-dehumidifier Five Reasons to Get a Dehumidifier

Santa Fe Dehumidifiers Fifty percent of the air in the upper levels of your home comes from the basement or crawl space. Both contain high…

September is Mold Awareness Month

September is Mold Awareness Month The  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  recognizes September as National Mold Awareness Month. This month is designed to inform, educate and raise awareness…

Crawl Space Myths Debunked Part 1

Your home’s crawl space is a convenient place to house its air conditioning, furnace ductwork, insulation, plumbing, and electrical wiring. While the benefits of storage…

Asthma & Allergy Control

Allergies are a common health hazard connected with indoor humidity. The immune system in our body reacts with allergens around us and develops undesirable symptoms.…

Carpet Cleaning and Mold Growth

It’s a fine line! Wet carpeting is an ideal mold breeding ground if it is not immediately dried. Carpet dries quickly if there is a…